Unlock Exceptional Savings and Perks When You Book Directly with Sudamala Resorts
Direct Booking Benefits

- Save More: Enjoy a 10% saving on your stay compared to other online platforms.
- Food & Beverage Discounts: Receive 10% off food and beverage (excluding alcohol) during your stay.
- Spa Savings: Get 10% off spa treatments (excluding promotions).
- Laundry Services: Save 10% on laundry services.
- Premium Beach Bungalow Special: Book a Premium Beach Bungalow in Seraya and receive 10% off Aqura services, plus a complimentary three-course dinner with mocktails at Sunset Bar for a minimum of 3 nights.

Unlock Exceptional Savings and Perks When You Book Directly with Sudamala Resorts